Lately it seems that my body is betraying me - I have no control over it's crazy decline. So, one of the few things I feel I have control over is my hair. Thus black and pink hair. Any yes, it does make me feel better. I wish that the photo showed the pink better - but believe me, it's bright pink highlights. :)
For those who don't know, I've been searching for answers to many physical ailments this last year. As it stands I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, CFS, Menieres, Reynauds, and hypothyroid (possible Hashimoto's). We are still looking into auto-immune disorders.
Dealing with the extreme exhaustion has been a bitch, but the daily pain is really wearing me down. Enough whining! Back to knitting...
I love it!
That is super frustrating. My sister went through a stretch of mystery problems. She was diagnosed with all sorts of weird auto-immune things (Bechets was the last one), and then she finally saw a specialist at a big fancy research hospital who declared that she simply had the worst case of tonsillitis he had ever seen. She had such bad tonsilitis that it was coming out in blisters all over her body! A tosillectomy later and the problems were over, but she had spent a good year and a half in misery and confusion.
I hope problems are solved for you soon.
I've been hypothyroid for years. Most of the time with meds I do fine, however, sometimes no matter how hard I try to will myself to do something I just can't.
Oh coooool!!!! I can't wait to see it!!!
Fighting a cold, right now, so will pop up when I am well over it!!
Wish I could wave a magic wand and you were all better :-(
Love ya
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