May 28, 2007


(Yes, I heard you gasp, Aunt Cheryl! )
I am actually adding a new post!

We just got back after a few days out of town. We made it to the beach on a beautiful day. Saw many good friends. Visited with relatives from out of state. Took flowers to the graves of loved ones. And, started the process of designing my parents headstone! Yes, that's right, down to the color of the stone. They want me to design the images to be etched on the front. We visited the plot that they have bought as well. A beautiful site, I must say.

I managed to fit in some knitting time. These tiny socks are made of a baby alpaca wool from Italy. They are so soft and sweet.

I also started a lace shawl with the pattern from Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. The snowdrop shawl. Can you see that I've already made a couple of mistakes? What to do? I think that I can hide them when I do the stretching/blocking when it's finished. It would be a real beast to rip out now. Hmmmm..... (NOTE: I continued on for a few more inches... then RIPPED it out.) :)

And last up (finally) is a pic of the felted hat that I posted a while back. It's the one that my 2 year old is wearing (down to his knees).

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