January 11, 2008

My Stomach is in KNOTS!

Well, not yet, but will be soon. Tuesday. Quite literally, in knots.

So, I keep busy. One of the projects I'm currently knitting are these. This is how far I am. I envision wearing them in November as I trek through Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Germany. Toasty, happy thoughts.

I also just finished 2 knitted/felted bags. But, can't post them until the recipients have been gifted with them. :)

I'm frantically trying to keep my mind occupied and to stave off the huge waves of anxiety that are crashing over me. busy, busy, busy..........

1/12/08 Ooooh, here's an update!! It's getting longer!! 19 inches long!!! Starting on the foot now... my goal is to finish this sucker today and start the other one before bedtime. Bouncing between sheer terror and calm confidence.....

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