December 13, 2006

Spirited Fun

I don't know why I haven't tried the odorless mineral spirits and prismacolor pencils technique sooner! I love this!! I have had the same set of prismacolors for at least 20 years. They still work great!

Basically, with this technique, you color in areas with the pencils, and then using rolled paper "tortillons" dipped in odorless mineral spirits, you blend. I found that using a different tortillon with each color family worked well. I kept finding myself trying to "rinse" each time in the spirits as if I were using a watercolor brush! LOL! If you don't color in the whole image, but instead color in the shaded areas, and then bleed the color out into the white areas, it will have a watercolor effect.

Oh, and I was pleasantly surprised that the odorless mineral spirits were really odorless!! Another tip is to have a nail file handy to sand down the paper tortillon's as needed. Happy creating!

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